In the heart of Lawley Village, a transformational project is underway at Lawley Village Academy, signalling a new chapter in its educational journey. After navigating a challenging planning consultation over the summer, the academy is evolving from a 1FE Primary to a 2FE Primary and Nursery provision. The expansion, long overdue due to the rapid growth in housing in the area, is a testament to the school's commitment to meeting the evolving needs of its community.
The expansion project, a collaborative effort between Telford & Wrekin Council, REAch2 Academy Trust, and Pave Aways Building Contractors, exemplifies effective partnership in action. Despite the complexities, the teams have managed to ensure that the school remains fully operational throughout the construction, showcasing a seamless blend of education and development.
Amidst the construction buzz, parents, staff, and most importantly, the children, actively participate in the unfolding of the expansion. With Perspex windows strategically cut into the hoarding along the playground perimeter, children have a first-hand view of the construction machinery, fostering excitement and anticipation for the completed project.
Claire Freestone, Head Teacher at Lawley Village Academy, expresses her enthusiasm, stating, "It is a really exciting time for everyone at Lawley Village Academy." She highlights the inclusive approach taken by builders, who have invited children class by class to witness the structure, even providing them with hard hats. The academy's warm welcome extends beyond its walls, with small windows in the fencing allowing children to observe machinery and envision the future.
Lee Francis, Project Lead for the REAch2 Programme Management Office, emphasizes the importance of a strong working relationship. "By establishing a very good working relationship from day 1, it has meant we have been able to work extremely closely with the contractor and LA to get exactly what the school needs from this expansion," says Francis. He commends the school's flexibility, ensuring that the expansion aligns with the safety and educational needs of both pupils and staff.
Cathie Paine, CEO of REAch2 Academy Trust envisions the expansion as a transformative milestone, stating, "Our commitment to providing great schools for local communities is reflected in the expansion of Lawley Village Academy. We are thrilled to be expanding our provision of a great education for children and wider support for families as the school doubles in size.”
The journey towards expansion is expected to culminate in late summer 2024, with the newly enhanced Lawley Village Academy ready to welcome a new intake of students in September 2024. The anticipation is palpable as the community envisions an enriched educational environment that reflects the vibrant and growing Lawley Village.