This page contains our blueprint to ensure that every child is given the highest quality education that we can offer, regardless of their background, so they get the best start in life.
We want every REAch2 school to be a great school. The pandemic accentuated the social disadvantages that are too common across our families. But it also highlighted the important role that schools can play at the heart of their communities, and the work we can do to erode the barriers which prevent the most disadvantaged children from fulfilling their potential.
It also led to a revolution in how we utilise technology across schools, highlighting that now more than ever we need a digital infrastructure which is fit for the 21st Century.
Now is the right time to bring together these objectives and build our future around them. This is our strategy for doing precisely that.
Gavin Robert
Chairman of Trustess
Great Schools
1. All schools provide a great education for all children, championing the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.
2. All schools achieve excellence in identified areas beyond the curriculum that enable them to thrive in their unique context and community.
3. All schools achieve REAch2 standards, through a new Kitemark,
which exceed national expectations for pupil outcomes at the end of primary school.
Social Justice
1. We work proactively with families and our safeguarding network to advocate for children and keep them safe.
2. All children receive a remarkable primary educational experience which equips them with skills and confidence for life.
3. Children in vulnerable groups achieve highly and at least equal to other children nationally.
4. We support REAch2 families and play an active role in the communities in which we serve.
1. All children develop a depth of knowledge to understand environmental sustainability and the actions that they can take to become ambassadors for change.
2. By 2027, we will significantly reduce our carbon footprint.
3. REAch2 will implement environmental initiatives that promote, preserve and enhance local biodiversity.
Digital Transformation
1. Develop the skills and confidence of educators in the appropriate and effective use of digital technology to support exceptional learning and teaching and achieved improved outcomes
2. Cultivate independent learning through enabling access to digital technology for all learners.
3. To become a national voice within education for the use of technology within schools.
Read Our Full Strategic Plan
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